This idea has saved me when I just need a few minutes. To finish dinner, make a phone call, or just eat a candybar in peace. Cheap, dollar store spray bottles. Fill 'em up with water, hand one to each of the kids and send them into the back yard. They spray the sidewalk, their bikes, each other, and love it.
Another one for kids is to put them in an empty bathtub with a pile of shaving creme and some kid paint brushes. Make sure they don't have clothes on that can't get stained though. After they paint everything, including themselves, let 'em wash it back off with a bucket of water. This will keep my girls entertained for honestly an hour and a half. It's how I pack for trips!
LOL I saw the spray picture and knew this post was by you before I even read a word! Funny how the simple things keep them entertained for so long. Last night my girls giggled for 30 min over a straw in a cup of water. They took turns blowing bubbles in it. Simple!