Sunday, April 25, 2010

Faux Makeup

Do little girlies all love makeup or is it just mine?  My girlies love makeup and love to watch me put mine on.  They always want to put on their own, but at age 1 and 2, I think it's a little early!  I found this great idea on Not So Idle Hands for Faux Makeup.  Just take an old compact of makeup, clean it all out, and pour nail polish in the spots!  I tried to fill mine, but it all evaporates other than a thin layer of paint, so just put in enough to cover the bottom and let it dry.  Mine took days to get rid of the smell, so I stuck it in my garage and let it air out. (Can we talk about torture for the kids to not be able to play with it yet?)
This was a fun project for my girls to do (pick which color goes where) and they have their own makeup to play with and most importantly, NO MESS!